9.0 Introduction, 9-1
9.1 General Observations, 9-2
9.2 Flow Chart, 9-3
9.3 Alpha 1 Masculine Nouns, 9-4
9.4 Alpha 2 Masculine Nouns, 9-8
9.5 Ēta 1 Masculine Nouns, 9-12
9.6 Ēta 2 Masculine Nouns, 9-19
9.7 First Declension Contract Nouns, 9-21
9.8 Declension-Paradigm Notation, 9-24
9.9 Overview of Paradigms, 9-26
Study Guide, 9-31
Including proper names, NTGreek contains two hundred and ten masculine nouns that belong to the first declension. As to be expected, masculine nouns of this declension display
different singular case endings than those of feminine nouns in the same declension. These differences and their paradigms are the primary focus of this lesson. At the conclusion
of the lesson, a study guide integrates the principles presented in this lesson.
Click on the above link to download Lesson 9. Additional study aids for Lesson 9 may be viewed and/or downloaded (see below).
Study Aids
The following individual study aids are designed to reinforce the material presented in Lesson Nine by making new material familiar, and familiar things new. An answer key is
provided where necessary. The different levels represent an escalating level of difficulty. It is recommended to begin with the least difficult
exercises under Level One and proceed through Level Three to receive maximum benefit from these resources. All PDF links open in a new window.

Study Guide Answer Key
studyguideanswerkey.pdf] Instruction
This is the answer key for the lesson's Study Guide. It is important to answer all of the lesson's exercises before consulting the answer key. SA 9:1-10

Vocabulary Practice
vocabularypractice.pdf] Work Sheets
Practice writing the new lesson vocabulary words on these pages. SA 9:11-16

Vocabulary Paradigms
vocabularyparadigms.pdf] Instruction
All the vocabulary nouns for Lesson Nine are declined. The master case ending charts for these nouns is also included in this instructional paper. SA 9:17-32

Correct Article
correctarticle.pdf] Exercise
Choose the correct article from four choices in the left-hand column that matches the declension of several Greek nouns in the right-hand column. Care must be exercised
to distinguish between the first declension feminine genitive singular and the accusative plural. SA 9:33-34

Same Case and Number
samecaseandnumber.pdf] Exercise
Match the key word in the left-hand column with other words in the same case and number in the right-hand column. More than one correct answer is possible. SA 9:35-36

Case and Translation
caseandtranslation.pdf] Exercise
Choose from several Greek inflected words that match the English translation. SA 9:37-38
Ten true or false questions tests over general morphological concepts concerning first declension masculine nouns. SA 9:39-40

Missing Letters
Audio PDF] Exercise
Fill in the missing vowel or vowels and consonants in words from the lesson’s vocabulary. A working knowledge of the lesson's vocabulary is mandatory. SA 9:41-42

Vocabulary Study
vocabularystudy.pdf] Exercise
The vocabulary exercise is straightforward and covers all Greek vocabulary contained in the lesson. Memorization of Lesson Nine's vocabulary is necessary to complete
this exercise. SA 9:43-46

Crossword Puzzle
crosswordpuzzle.pdf] Exercise
Technical terms and transliterated vocabulary words from Lesson Nine and previous lessons were used to construct this puzzle. Eighteen clues help to solve the puzzle.
This puzzle was designed with the aid of
Discovery Education. SA 9:47-48

Read and Translate
readandtranslate.pdf] Exercise
This exercise instructs how to translate the different cases as they interrelate with one another. The exercise contains eighty short phrases divided into two columns: a Greek phrase
in the left-hand column and the English translation in the right-hand column. SA 9:49-52
Twelve multiple choice questions tests over general morphological concepts concerning first declension masculine nouns. SA 9:53--58

Audio PDF] Exercise
In this exercise, one listens to eight actual NTGreek phrases, then decides which word from a multiple choice selection belongs in the blank. SA 9:59-62

Lexical Form
lexicalform.pdf] Exercise
Give the correct article, accented lexical entry, abbreviated genitive singular, and declension-paradigm notation for all inflected nouns in the list. SA 9:63-64

Let's Read Greek
letsreadgreek.pdf] Exercise
Several verses from NTGreek are read by the instructor. For instructional purposes, the cadence of reading is slower than normal. SA pagination is not associated with this exercise.

Mind Bender
mindbender.pdf] Exercise
In this difficult exercise, choose the noun or nouns that match the gender, number, and case as the key word. More than one match may be possible. SA 9:65-66
This demanding quiz is divided into three parts: Greek-English vocabulary, multiple choice questions, and true or false statements. SA 9:67-78

Comprehensive N-1D First Declension Masculine Noun List
n-1d.pdf] Instruction
This comprehensive list of first declension masculine nouns whose nominal stems end with alpha sigma and the abbreviated genitive singular -ou belongs in an appendix.
However, because they were covered in this lesson, they are included here. Noun frequency of occurrence in NTGreek is also included in this study in parenthesis. SA 9:79-80

Comprehensive N-1E First Declension Masculine Noun List
n-1e.pdf] Instruction
This comprehensive list of first declension masculine nouns whose nominal stems end with alpha sigma and the abbreviated genitive singular alpha, belongs in an appendix.
However, because they were covered in this lesson, they are included here. Noun frequency of occurrence in NTGreek is also included in this study in parenthesis. SA 9:81-82

Comprehensive N-1F First Declension Masculine Noun List
n-1f.pdf] Instruction
This comprehensive list of first declension masculine nouns whose nominal stems end with ēta sigma and the abbreviated genitive singular -ou, belongs in an appendix. However, because
they were covered in this lesson, they are included here. Noun frequency of occurrence in NTGreek is also included in this study in parenthesis. SA 9:83-86