3.0 Introduction, 3-1
3.1 Ten Phonetically Equivalent Consonants, 3-2
3.2 The Seven Vowels, 3-4
3.3 The Diphthongs, 3-6
3.4 Similarities between Vowels and Diphthongs, 3-11
3.5 Vowel and Diphthong Comparison Guide, 3-14
3.6 Final Seven Consonants, 3-15
3.7 Types of Greek Letters from Ancient to Modern, 3-17
Study Guide, 3-21
Lesson Three continues the building blocks for learning Greek phonics by ordered combinations of syllables. Phonics is the study between the letter-to-sound relationships in a
language as a written musical note is to its instrument's sound. The lesson encompasses the pronunciation of all Greek consonants, vowels, and diphthongs. The
combination of these letters is blended into sounds to form single and multi-syllable Greek sounds. Numerous MP3 audio files span the lesson to aid in pronouncing these
combinations. A ten-page study guide is included at the lesson's conclusion. Further study aids are also available for this lesson.
Click on the above link to download Lesson 3. Additional study aids for Lesson 3 may be viewed and/or downloaded (see below).
Study Aids
The following individual study aids are designed to reinforce the material presented in Lesson Three by making new material familiar, and familiar things new. An answer key is
provided where necessary. The different levels represent an escalating level of difficulty. It is recommended to begin with the least difficult
exercises under Level One and proceed through Level Three to receive maximum benefit from these resources. All PDF links open in a new window.
Study Guide Answer Key [
studyguideanswerkey.pdf] Instruction
This is the answer key for the lesson's Study Guide. It is important to answer all of the lesson's exercises before consulting the answer key. SA 3:1-10
Writing Greek Letters 1
differences.pdf] Exercise
This short exercise emphasizes writing Greek letters and words by tracing them. It reinforces proper penmanship for properly forming Greek letters. Poor penmanship lasts a lifetime and
letters will be confused later, which leads to frustration. The exercise should be repeated until all the Greek letters are familiar and written without effort.
The text is from John 1:1-8. SA 3:11-12

Writing Greek Letters 2
writingletters2.pdf] Exercise
The exercise advances on the previous exercise in that letters are copied and not traced. The text is from 1 John 2:1-5. The exercise should be repeated until all the Greek letters
are familiar and written without too much effort. SA 3:13-14

Pronunciation Guide
pronunciationguide.pdf] Instruction
An important aspect of phonics is to blend vowels and consonants into syllables and then words. Twenty sentences are used for the proper pronuncation of the syllables by using known
English sounds. SA 3:15-16

Vowels and Diphthongs
vowelsanddipthongs.pdf] Exercise
Thirty-two words are cited in which the exercise is to find the proper and improper diphthong or diphthongs in each word. The words in the answer key are divided into syllables
for easier identification of the separate vowels and diphthongs. SA 3:17-18

Transcription 1
transcription1.pdf] Exercise
Six lines of Greek capitals from 1 John 2:7-8 are transcribed to their corresponding small letters. The exercise helps to gain further familiarity with the Greek capital letters.
SA 3:19-20

Word Search Puzzle
wordsearchpuzzle.pdf] Exercise
Have fun and find some of this lesson's technical terms in a grid of letters. SA 3:21-22

Crossword Puzzle
crosswordpuzzle.pdf] Exercise
Most of this lesson's techinical terms are used to form a crossword puzzle. SA 3:23-24

Sounds Like
soundslike.pdf] Exercise
The exercise is divided into two columns. The left-hand column lists sixteen English words. In the blank provided in the right-hand column, the proper combination of Greek
letters are written to correspond to the English word. SA 3:25-26

Transcription 2
transcription2.pdf] Exercise
Six lines of Greek lower case letters from Revelation 1:1-2 are transcribed to their corresponding capital letters. SA 3:27-28

quiz.pdf] Test
The quiz is closed book with twenty-seven questions that test over the lesson's contents. Both true or false and multiple choice questions are used. SA 3:29-36
Lessons Prepared by the same author
NTGreek In Diagram