Lesson Fourteen
Flash Card Instrcutions

Choose from the menu on the left how you wish to review Lesson Fourteen vocabulary as instructed below.  All vocabulary flash card sets are presented in a different order.

Vocabulary List Left-click on this option for an alphabetical listing of the lesson's vocabulary.  Left-click on any vocabulary word for its pronunciation.
Word - by - Word In random order, the lesson's vocabulary is presented at your pace with the option of moving backward to a previous word or forward to the next word.  An option is also available to listen to the word's pronunciation.  The Greek word is first presented.  You have the option to left-click on the answer to see its English translation.
Auto Greek - English The lesson's vocabulary is presented in random order.  The Greek word is first presented at which time you are to recite its English translation.  Then the English translation is automatically cited at which time you may associate the Greek-English relationship.
Auto English - Greek The lesson's vocabulary is presented in random order.  The English translation is first presented at which time you are to recite the Greek word.  Then the Greek definition is automatically cited at which time you may associate the English-Greek relationship.