10.0 Introduction, 10-1
10.1 General Introduction to Accents, 10-2
10.2 General Rules of Accent, 10-6
10.3 First and Second Declension Noun Accent, 10-9
10.4 Accent Nomenclature, 10-21
10.5 Summary of First and Second Declension Accents, 10-23
10.6 The Accent and the Article, 10-30
10.7 Vocabulary Study, 10-31
Study Guide, 10-33
Ancient Greek grammarians desired to preserve their phonetic language because of the influx of foreigners who needed to learn it because of commerce or conquest. Therefore, a prescriptive
system of intonated accents was developed: the acute (rising pitch), the grave (falling pitch) and the circumflex (combination of both). This is the focus of Lesson Ten. Sixteen MP3
audio files are used in conjunction with this lesson to guide toward a consistent pronunciation of Greek vowels, consonants and words. At the conclusion of the lesson a study guide
integrates the principles presented in this lesson.
Click on the above link to download Lesson 10. Additional study aids for Lesson 10 may be viewed and/or downloaded (see below).
Study Aids
The following individual study aids are designed to reinforce the material presented in Lesson Ten by making new material familiar, and familiar things new. An answer key is
provided where necessary. The different levels represent an escalating level of difficulty. It is recommended to begin with the least difficult exercises under Level One and
proceed through Level Three to receive maximum benefit from these resources. All PDF links open in a new window.

Study Guide Answer Key
studyguideanswerkey.pdf] Instruction
This is the answer key for the lesson's Study Guide. It is important to answer all of the lesson's exercises before consulting the answer key. SA 10:1-10

Vocabulary Practice Work Sheets
vocabularypractice.pdf] Work Sheets
Practice writing the sixteen new vocabulary words on these pages. SA 10:11-12

Vocabulary Paradigms
vocabularyparadigms.pdf] Instruction
All the vocabulary nouns for Lesson Ten are declined. The master case ending charts for these nouns is also included in this instructional paper. SA 10:13-18

Vocabulary Match
vocabularymatch.pdf] Exercise
Many words in Lesson Ten’s vocabulary are used as words or as a part of a compound word in the English language. Select from a list of English words that correctly corresponds
(or matches) with the Greek vocabulary word. SA 10:19-20

English-Greek Vocabulary Match
englishgreekvocabulary.pdf] Exercise
Select the appropriate Greek vocabulary word from several possibilities that matches the English definition. SA 10:21-26
Ten true or false questions over general principles about first and second declension nouns SA 10:27-28

Missing Letters
Audio PDF] Exercise
Fill in the missing vowel or vowels and consonants in words from the lesson’s vocabulary. A working knowledge of the lesson's vocabulary is mandatory. SA 10:29-30

Grammatical Concord
grammaticalconcord.pdf] Exercise
Place the proper article before first and second declension inflected nouns. There are forty-two inflected nouns in this exercise. SA 10:33-34

Paradigms and Accents
paradigmsandaccents.pdf] Exercise
Accent the inflected forms of first and second declension nouns. The accent for the lexical form (the nominative singular) is given in aiding to accent the remaining
inflected forms. SA 10:35-40
The quiz contains twenty true or false statements and twelve multiple choice questions that covers the essentials concerning first and second declension noun accents. SA 10:41-48

Vocabulary Accents
vocabularyaccents.pdf] Exercise
Forty-four vocabulary words are selected to accent the nominative singular form. This exercise tests knowledge concerning first and second declension noun lexical form
accents. SA 10:49-50

Crossword Puzzle
crosswordpuzzle.pdf] Exercise
Technical terms and transliterated vocabulary words from Lesson Ten and previous lessons were used to construct this puzzle. Twenty-seven clues help to solve the puzzle. SA 10:51-52

substitution.pdf] Exercise
Choose from four choices that properly substitute for the correct case of the underlined English noun. Fourteen short excerpts from the NTGreek text are cited in this exercise.
SA 10:53-58

Accent Phrases
accentphrases.pdf] Exercise
Accent these twenty short phrases. Whereas previous exercises emphasized accenting individual words, this exercise requires accentuation of contiguous words. Both first and
second declension nouns are used for this exercise. SA 10:59-60
This quiz is divided into six parts, including "true" or "false" questions, multiple choice questions, and intensive questions concerning the Greek article, and first and
second declension noun accents. SA 10:61-72
Lessons Prepared by the same author
NTGreek In Diagram