Why Donate to NTGreek In Session?
You may ask, why should I donate? This is a very good question. Aren't the Greek lessons free? Yes, they are absolutely free without any obligation to give. So, why should you invest in NTGreek In Session?
Teaching Greek has been my life-long passion. I am no novice, for I have invested in individuals' lives for over forty years, and the lessons are a tangible outgrowth from that experience. NTGreek In Diagram is another testimony to my passion concerning the importance of learning New Testament Greek.
From the outset these lessons do not assume that those who desire to learn NTGreek actually know how language functions. Most grammars leave the student dangling, because parts of speech are not thoroughly explained. Perhaps, they assume that an experienced teacher is available to fill in the gaps. But more likely than not, a page restriction was imposed on the author because of costs involved in the publishing and distribution of a technical grammar. However, NTGreek In Session has no page restrictions!
Individuals from all walks of life are using these lessons. Teenagers, moms at home, pastors, homeschoolers, university and seminary professors, elderly adults, and even prison inmates are a few who welcome the thoroughness of the lessons and the supportive exercises to reinforce the material presented in the lessons. One student wrote,
The grammar is incredible! I am presently on Lesson Ten. I have learned so much more from your grammar than I ever expected possible. It's obvious that you have put a great deal of effort into creating these lessons, and the quality of them is professional. I took Greek in seminary, but the grammar we used was short on information, especial for a guy like me who did not have a good background in English grammar. This grammar is truly a blessing to me and to Christians everywhere. (Ken N.)
And another wrote,
"Wow! Your Greek curriculum is great! I'm starting three homeschool kids on it today. Thanks for your hard work. My ten-year old wants to be a missionary and I have no doubt your Greek curriculum will be a great foundation for her!" (John C.).
An important aspect of this grammar is to make new things familiar, and familiar things new. To accomplish this goal, it requires time to update the web pages in addition to the hundreds of hours required to prepare each lesson and all the supporting exercises. If you value the presentation of NTGreek In Session, please demonstrate your testimony with a small monetary gift. It will mean so much to all who are unable to give but depend on these lessons to learn NTGreek.
You may use your PayPal account for your investment in NTGreek In Session. It is easy and very quick. If you do not have a PayPal account, you may still use a credit card without the need to open an account with PayPal. All information is processed on a secure server where your personal information and payment is protected.
All monetary investments to the further development of these lessons are deeply appreciated, for there is no such thing as a donation that is too small. Act today to donate and make a difference for others tomorrow!