Revelation of John
Revelation (1:1--22:21)
NTGreek In Diagram: Volume 27
2017 Edition
Last Update:
March 7, 2017
Greek diagrams with English comments
Downloadable PDF bookmarked document
269 pages
$8.95 USD

Revelation is classified largely as prophecy, and rightly so. The apostle John composed it in letter form in many ways. Chapter 1:4-5 includes normal characteristics of first-century salutations. It is similar in wording and tone to the salutations of Paul. However, it must certainly be observed that its message is designed to be "kept" more than a formula for unveiling a hidden future. Like all prophecy, its essential purpose is to influence conduct rather than to predict future events. Whenever future events are predicted in the Scripture, it inspires obedience. Revelation is one of the most profound and moving instructional letters for discipleship found anywhere in the Scriptures.

Sometimes, the letter is called by its Greek title Apocalypse. It is very different and distinct in tone from other prophetic literature in other parts of Scripture. Because of its distinction, it is one of the most favored quoted and read books of the Bible. Ironically, misinterpretation of John's words has produced a myriad of interesting theological schemas. Despite the multitude of differences of interpretation, interest in the Revelation continues unabated.

There are a number of syntactical irregularities in the Epistle, as there are in John's other writings. He seemingly at times deliberately defies grammatical rules, and yet, his Epistle still stands in its own field unsurpassed.

The grammatical irregularities do not appear to be due to the writer's ignorance, but intentional and perhaps in order to emphasize theological subtleties. Furthermore, he deliberately modeled his language on the classical Hebrew. This conclusion is based on examining the four hundred plus quotations, and almost without exception, they are from the original Hebrew and Aramaic of the Scriptures.

The syntax of this letter is relatively simple like that of the Gospel of John. However, there is a moderate amount of special vocabulary required to read it. The Revelation is the third easiest letter to read in the Greek New Testament vocabulary wise, following the Gospel of John and First John.

Master Diagram Collection Master Diagram Upgrade General Epistles Collection

Revelation is also part of the NTGreek In Diagram's Master Diagram, Master Diagram Upgrade, and General Epistles Collections. Every Collection includes all diagrams in a single convenient bookmarked PDF document that makes navigation incredibly easy.

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Screen Shots

The following screen shots are representative pages from Revelation. The purchased diagram set includes all the diagrams. Click on any thumbnail to view its larger image.

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