The apostle Paul's three letters, First & Second Epistles to Timothy and Epistle to Titus, stand in close relationship to one another because they were addressed to two individual co-workers who strived with Paul for the Gospel. Except for Paul's shorter letter to Philemon, all other of Paul's letters were addressed to assemblies.
The term Pastoral Epistles has been applied to these three Epistles since the eighteenth century and were accepted and cited as genuinely Pauline by early Christian writers. This designation reflects the central concern of these letters for the internal life, governance, and behavior of the assemblies, as well as the individuals to whom they were written.
The Pastoral Epistles contain a large number of vocabulary words not found in other Pauline letters. On the whole, Second Timothy's vocabulary is remarkably similar to that of other Pauline letters; whereas the vocabulary in First Timothy and Titus varies more significantly.
Because of the subject material, the Pastoral's syntax is generally smoother than that of Galatians and Romans. Sentences are longer and more regular. His use of particles is less varied and rich. The mixture of vocabulary and sentence structure is complex and varied.
Paul's literary style in these letters is largely exhortatory. His argumentation is not sustained as long as they are in some of his other letters, such as in Ephesians or Romans. Although diagramming these Epistles do not prove too difficult, it is the many hapax legomena that dramatically increases the reading difficulty of these relatively short letters.
The Epistles to Timothy & Titus are also part of the NTGreek In Diagram's Master Diagram, Master Diagram Upgrade, and Pauline Epistles Collections. Every Collection includes all diagrams in a single convenient bookmarked PDF document that makes navigation incredibly easy.
If you are a Greek professor or instructor and desire more information about group discounts, please contact me. Several Greek professors and instructors encourage their students to purchase the diagrams and use them as part of the class curriculum.
The following screen shots are representative pages from the Epistles to Timothy & Titus. The purchased diagram set includes all the diagrams. Click on any thumbnail to view its larger image.