The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous. However, attribution of this Gospel to Apostle Matthew dates to the earliest surviving patristic testimonies, and there is no evidence that any other author was ever proposed. Matthew's literary structure is easily discerned, for large blocks of Jesus' thematic instruction is dispersed within his narrative. He essentially alternates five blocks of narrative with five of discourse, marking each off with the phrase "When Jesus had finished" (7:28; 11:1; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1).
Matthew quotes extensively from the Scriptures, especially the prophetic books; more than sixty quotations of (or strong allusions to) the Scriptures. Matthew does so to fulfill one of his major purposes for writing his gospel: Jesus is the Messiah in whom was fulfilled the Law and the prophets. He groups incidents and discourses together in a manner which highlights the Messiahship of Jesus and the majestic forward movement of the Kingdom.
Matthew's Greek writing style is relatively easy to read, much more so than Luke's, if not only because of the difference in their vocabularies! The length of Matthew's Gospel (18,345 words) is second only to Luke's Gospel (19,482 words) in the Greek New Testament. Matthew uses frequent Semitisms in such a manner that avoids awkwardness and harsh expressions and retains the flow of a eloquent Greek style. Matthew is fond of various numerical patterns, such as the seven petitions in the "Lord's Prayer" (6:9-13), the seven parables (chapter 13), and the genealogy's format of fourteen (7 x 2) generations (1:1-17). His style also includes repetition of contrast and comparison, particularization and climax, inclusion, and chiasmus.
The Gospel of Matthew is also part of the NTGreek In Diagram's Master Diagram and Master Diagram Upgrade. Every Collection includes all diagrams in a single convenient bookmarked PDF document that makes navigation incredibly easy.
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The following screen shots are representative pages from the Gospel of Matthew. The purchased diagram set includes all the diagrams. Click on any thumbnail to view its larger image.